I co-created this PSA to deter people from texting and driving. It was selected as a finalist in the All American High School Film Festival, and I got to fly out to New York to watch my work on the big screen.
In my Visual Thinking class, we were tasked to create a video that embodies the collages we made a week prior. I designed my collage very impulsively, with color splashing everywhere. I wanted my video to replicate that feeling - the feeling of trying to keep yourself together until you can’t.
As a fun warm-up in one of my classes, we were tasked with creating a video from the prompt, “What can happen in a minute.” I decided to take a comedic approach to portray a situation that, while I’m not proud to admit, I find myself in often.
A unique approach to the everyday vlog. My loved ones and I have a saying: “Gamify life.” I took that quite literally with this video.